My Little Pony G4 Blind Bag Ponies

Note: Around 96-98% of the information on this page was not originally by me. I did not create any of the images on this page. I give all credit for the existence of the images on this page to MLPG4Merch on Tumblr. Their original blind bag post can be found here. In accordance with the notes on the page you may save the images to your mobile device for easy access in stores.

General blind bag pony notes:
  • Usually blind bag ponies will be with the other MLP stuff in a store. They can either be in the box, on pegs, with Littlest Pet Shop stuff or even with the trading cards. If you cannot find them, ask an employee to assist you. Some store may have them behind the counter in order to prevent thievery.
  • Sometimes the codes can be imprinted lightly, difficult to read (or, in my experience, misprinted in a way that makes them look like a different code). There are pinholes in the bag you can try to look through and you can try to feel which mold the pony is in. HOWEVER, PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THE BAG IN THE STORE.
  • Longer, five digit codes are on the middle seam of the bag, and the seam has to be folded back in order to read it. Shorter, two digit codes are along the bottom seam.
  • The five digit codes can be 'cracked' as the two digit codes are in them. Simply ignore two of the numbers, for example, Wave 1 sparkly Rainbow Dash has the number 24 on her card and the code 22445 on her bag. If you look at the second and fourth numbers, you get 24. All five digit codes work like this.
  • Unopened boxes come with one of each pony. However this may not be the case as sometimes boxes are combined in stores or remainders of one are put into another.
  • The price range will vary depending on where you live. I've noticed here in Australia they can go for anywhere between $3 and $7 AUD, and I've read that blind bags usually can be found for somewhere between $2 and $4 USD. I cannot verify prices for any other countries unless people can inform me of them.
  • The Mane 6 (and some other ponies/characters) can be found in blind bag style/form in other ways, such as mini sets. However, these sets usually have some exclusive characters (Zecora, Gilda, Granny Smith etc) in them (these characters may later be released as blind bags) and one or more already released character. These sets I've found in Australian stores for between $17 and $20 AUD, and America has them for around half that.
  • When searching through the blind bags in the store, have some manners. Don't block anything, be nice and helpful to others, do not open the bags and leave the bags in a tidy way.

Released in Europe in 2010 and the US in 2011. Had the Mane 6, sparkly, clear variants of Pinkie, Rainbow and Twilight and some toyline exclusives. When the wave first released in Europe, sparkly Twilight was pink, however this was changed to purple when the line hit the US. Purple is now the global standard for sparkly Twilights from this wave, and pink ones may be found online for high prices.

The ponies with names and numbers as well as notes in some instances.

Wave 1 Blind Bag bag.

Names of the ponies in Wave 1 with their codes and mold names.

Released in Europe and never seen in the US, assumed to be skipped. Once again, the Mane 6 are present, with the sparkly, clear ponies in this wave being Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. The rest of the ponies are toyline-exclusive ponies. Some of the non-Mane 6 ponies in this wave are available in sets, however seeing as the wave was never released in the US, many are rare.

Wave 2 ponies, with names, codes and in some cases, notes also.

Wave 2 bag.

Names, molds and numbers for the wave 2 blind bag ponies. Long codes were never found.

Released in both the US and Europe in 2012. The Mane 6 were once again part of the wave, with glow-in-the-dark versions of Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie. Some of the ponies in this wave were also background ponies from the show, who at this point only had fan names, many of which were incorperated into their 'official' names. At the moment, other than the collectors' Zecora from 2012 and collectors' Shadowbolt Rainbow Dash from 2013, no other glowy ponies have been released, and in blind bag form, there are no plans for glowy AJ, Fluttershy and Rainbow. The Lyra figure in early releases of this wave was named 'Heartstrings' which was later redone as 'Lyra Heartstrings'.

Wave 3 blind bag ponies, with names, numbers, and notes if applicable.

European wave 3 blind bag bag.

Names, codes and molds of the wave 3 blind bag ponies.

Released in the US at the same time as wave 3. This is the first wave where the 'normal' ponies are glittery, and the three 'special' ponies are sort of metallic - looking. The three metallic ponies are Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity. Currently there are no other metallic ponies, nor are there plans to release any more metallic ponies. The Mane 6 in this wave are different to their glittery forms in waves 1 and 2, as the plastics are slightly different. Many of these ponies were later released in opaque plastic later on.

Wave 4 ponies with names, numbers and any applicable notes.

Wave 4 Euro bag.

Codes, molds and names of the wave 4 blind bag ponies.

Wave 5 started appearing in summer 2012 for Europe and autumn/fall for the US in the same year. All of the ponies in this wave are either Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow or the new Celestia mold. The non-earth pony members of the Mane 6 and Rarity are not lacking. Both Trixie and Lyra are in this wave, with their 'combined' names. The Fluttershy in the key does not have her mane or tail painted however that is just a factory error.

Wave 5 ponies with numbers and names.

Euro wave 5 bag. The US version of the bag is still yellow and has Cadance on the front however it is rearranged, with Cadance on the other side of the bag.

Wave 5 ponies with their codes, names and molds listed.

This wave's actual release period is unknown, however it was listed to launch in the US during November 2012. It once again features all of the Mane 6 as well as the Big Mac style molds. The Mane 6 are in this set, with many ponies previously released in wave 4 re-released here or ponies that were previously Rarity-mold now Twilight-mold. The three special ponies in this wave are Twilight molded ponies with 3D stars in their cutie marks.

Wave 6 ponies.

Wave 6 bag, card and Pinkie Pie figure.

Wave 6 blind bag pony key.

Wave 7 started popping up in the US winter 2012/2013. It features translucent ponies with painted deatiling other than the eyes and cutie mark. The three special ponies in this wave are Wonderbolts. This wave also features 'different' eyes for some molds, and Barber Groomsby has a mustache. Spitfire and Soarin' have show-correct names on the box and bags, however on their cards, they have swapped names and bios. The keys use the correct names.

Wave 7 ponies. No numbers were known when the image was created.

Wave 7 bags.

Wave 7 key. Numbers are here unlike on the 'group picture'.

The latest release of blind bags so far, wave 8, features bright, neon, translucent characters. Instead of  a special trio of ponies, there are many unique mold characters, such as Flim, Flam, Gilda and Granny Smith. This wave is the first to feature a new bag style, with no back seam, and the codes are two letters, A?, stamped along the bottom seam of the bag.

Wave 8 ponies with their numbers and letter codes.

Wave 8 box and bag designs.

Wave 8 key.

Interestingly, in the UK, wave 8 was also broken into two subwaves, known as 8A and 8B. As the two groups of figures are the same as the normal wave 8 box but differ between the two subwaves and use a similar key, however the letter codes for each pony is different between the usual box and the two small boxes, so pay attention to who is shown on the boxes in order to differentiate between the two subwaves.

Box of subwave 8B. Note that it includes Gilda and Flam, the brother with the mustache.

Subwave 8A key.

Subwave 8B key.

Wave 9 is currently also known as the rainbow wave. The 'special three' ponies have extra detailing on them, much similar to the Rainbow Power line, and are expected to be released around the same time. At the moment there are no codes, as it hasn't been seen outside of Taobao. Notice that this is the first wave of blind bag ponies to not include Twilight Sparkle, this is most likely because she is now an alicorn.

Wave 9 US box (closed).

Wave 9 bag and card.

Wave 9 ponies. Currently there is no available codes or picture of Shoeshine (this Shoeshine is different to the previous blind bag Shoeshine release in regards to mold).

There are no available keys at the moment. Once they appear, they will be added.

As more information on current and upcoming releases of blind bag pony waves is released, it will be added to this page. It may take me a little while to get to it however, so please be patient.

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