Friday, 19 July 2013

Why I am not a fan of Vinyl Scratch

I decided to make a post about why I do like Vinyl Scratch as the rest of the Bronies seem to. It's gonna be long so check it out after the break!

There are reasons why I do, and do not, like certain Ponies more or less than others. With background Ponies that appear to be significant in the fandom (Derpy, Lyra, Octavia, Dr. Whooves, Bon Bon and Vinyl appear to be some main ones) many of my preferences are made on what seems to be generally accepted, as well as my headcanon, although, with Vinyl Scratch, I don't think anyone shares the same (or at least a similar) headcanon with me.

I think that most of dislike towards the character made by the fandom for Vinyl Scratch is because I generally very strongly dislike songs with what classify as 'heavy dubstep' in them. 'Heavy dubstep' is a difficult concept for me to explain, especially over the internet, where I can't use my voice or hand gestures. But in words, I think I can explain it as just WUB WUB WUB BLUUUUR WUB WUB BLURR WUB. It usually hurts my ears, and generally makes me suffer from mild to severe headaches. And as the fandom seems to continuously associate this type of 'music' (I just can't call dubstep a type of music without putting quotations around it.) with Vinyl and therefore it, just simply, drives me away from her. The fandom also portrays her with practically close to all of her thoughts being about 'wubs'. And I pretty much hate wubs.

I see a lot of Vinyl Scratch art, and can appreciate it as nice art, and I have tried (multiple times) to draw Vinyl myself, to no avail. However, when it is clearly portrays her only thoughts as 'wubs', I tend to get annoyed. I don't know why, but things I dislike tend to irritate me a fair bit. Vinyl Scratch's 'official' name (her name that's printed on the merch licensed by Hasbro) is that DJ PON-3 that I refuse to use because of the sheer stupidity that it looks like to me. Therefore I use Vinyl Scratch. Also Vinyl Scratch seems like a 'normal' name of a Pony in Equestria, unlike DJ PON-3. DJ PON-3 looks like some sort of acronym or name for a robot. So unless all of a sudden, Vinyl is actually a robot, I will never use the name DJ PON-3 for her. Ever.

When I saw that Vinyl Scratch was the SDCC 2013 exclusive for Hasbro, I was, upon reading the 'headline' of the site I was on at the time, incredibly skeptical. Not only because it was Vinyl, but because I was hoping last year's Derpy was going to be one-time thing and Hasbro would go back to making the 'Art Ponies' in some way, or at least have them alongside whatever Pony would be the SDCC exclusive. I thought to myself 'hopefully this won't too be too bad', and upon scrolling down, a very horrid looking monstrocity of a MLP figure slowly appeared on the screen of my iPod Touch. The hair looked bad, the sculpt looked generally terrible and those 'special' Swarovski embeds made the figure look even worse and seemed generally pointless. I had the exact same response to the Alicorn Twilight SDCC thing too.

I am able to accept Vinyl Scratch as a popular background Pony that many people like to see. And I understand that many listen to, and genuinely enjoy, the 'music' that is called dubstep. I personally do prefer Octavia (and Fiddlesticks too) as my musical Pony of choice, most likely because I have a few more things in common with them than I do with Vinyl Scratch. I rank Octavia considerably higher on my list of favourite background Ponies compared to Vinyl, who is rather close to the bottom. Out of the six background Ponies that I listed in the very beginning of this, Derpy, Lyra, Octavia, Dr. Whooves, Bon Bon and Vinyl Scratch, Vinyl is definately my least favourite of those six. On the other hand, Derpy, Lyra and Octavia are equal favourites, and Dr. Whooves and Bon Bon are in the middle.

All in all, each to their own, and I don't judge anyone who likes Vinyl Scratch and dubstep more than I do. I understand that a lot of people do, and that's what they like. What others like more or less than what I do is completely irrelevant to my life. This post is not supposed to offend anyone, and if anyone is offended by this, then I will judge them, and that judgement will pretty much be "soft, weak, and incredibly over-sensitive. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this, whatever you want to call this.

I don't know what to call this. I don't know if this is an editorial, a rant, or what. I do know however that what I'm typing is beginning to become rather irrelevant now. Share opinions with me!

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